Refund Policy
Once scheduled, initial appointment fees are only refundable (minus credit card processing fees) if you cancel the appointment within 24 hours of making it. If you cancel your appointment after 24 hours but 72 hours before your appointment, you will receive a partial refund of $145. There are NO refunds for cancellation of appointments that occur within 72 hours of the scheduled appointment. Fees will be prorated accordingly if you have been provided with a discounted visit fee.
Individual, personalized one-on-one nutritional counseling programs are subject to a 30-day refund policy (minus a non-refundable deposit that would be clearly stated on both your invoice and the program agreement). Refunds must be made in writing and submitted by the end of the business day (3:00 pm MT) on day 30 from having signed the program agreement and paying the invoice. Refund requests can be emailed to support@wholisticworks.com
Group/online programs, meal plans, supplements, etc., are not subject to refunds.
As stated above, Marissa Mekelburg/Wholistic Works, LLC maintains a no-refund policy for all services except initial visits and individual counseling programs.
You acknowledge that no one has represented to you that refunds are available. Even if you cannot participate for any reason, you will continue to be billed according to the schedule in your Agreement until paid in full.
Wholistic Works, LLC considers this policy a material inducement to entering into contracts with clients, and would not have done so unless this No Refunds Policy were included.
Wholistic Works, LLC